Thursday, October 13, 2016

4th Quarter Finish-A-Long 2016

2016 FAL

I was certainly unsuccessful in completing just one of the 3rd quarter list so they are also listed here. There are still too many UFO's to list. But I feel confident that this will be the "Quarter of Success". Here are a few that need to be completed soon:

1. Bonnie Hunter's Pineapple blossom. 
Started in class with Bonnie, hosted by NBQA, in September 2016.

2. Burgoyne Surrounded
Started as a mystery quilt at the March 2016, Quilters Get Away.

3.  Ginny Beyer - Harlequin Charm. 
Started June 2016.

4. Kaffe Fassett - Facet

5. Wool Applique

6. Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville Mystery Quilt

That's it for this quarter. All will be done soon!

Linking up with the 2016 Finish-A-Long through A Quilter's Table, #88.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Beach Basket

Designed and taught by Alice Ogden
Hosted by Stony Lane Basketry
August 2016

I know it's not a quilt but I am so proud of this basket!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Narragansett Blues Quilt

Pattern by Bonnie Hunter
size 76" x 83"
completed 2016



Linking to crazy mom quilts, finish it up Friday.